Possible Causes of Upper Abdominal Pain

In Pain Management

Possible Causes and Treatments of Upper Abdominal Pain - PPOA

When you are experiencing upper abdominal pain, it can definitely be frustrating to deal with. Part of that frustration is that you may not know right away what is causing the pain, which makes it more difficult to treat the pain and make it go away.

A medical professional can diagnose and treat your upper abdominal pain, but here are some of the possible causes:

Temporary Problems

Not all of the potential causes of upper abdominal pain are serious issues. Sometimes you might be dealing with something as simple as indigestion or gas. The pain in your upper abdomen could even be due to something like a pulled muscle or similar strain.

Keep an eye on when your symptoms begin, wherein your upper abdomen they are located and the specific sort of pain that you are experiencing. If it is a temporary issue like one of the ones listed above, you likely will be able to get better without much difficulty. Your medical professional can offer advice and medicine as needed if the pain continues.

Stomach or Esophagus Problems

Your upper abdominal pain could be caused by an issue in your stomach or esophagus. These issues could include:

  • Ulcers
  • Gastritis
  • Heartburn
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Some things to keep in mind before you talk to your medical professional are whether or not certain foods make your pain feel worse or if the pain is more intense when you are laying down.

Gallbladder or Liver Problems

Pain in your upper abdomen could also be attributed to an issue in your gallbladder or liver. These problems could include:

  • Liver abscess
  • Gallstones
  • Hepatitis
  • Ascending cholangitis

Again, it will be easier for your doctor to figure out the exact source of the pain if you provide the necessary information. Some issues could be caused by lifestyle, like cirrhosis of the liver due to prolonged alcohol use.

Other Upper Abdominal Problems

There are also a number of intestinal issues that could be the cause of your upper abdominal pain. It could be due to an infection or an inflammatory situation. Or it could be due to a problem like:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Kidney stones

There are also some serious diseases that have the potential to cause upper abdominal pain, like certain cancers. This is why you should always get medical help to make sure you find out the exact cause of your pain and the appropriate treatment.

Treating Your Upper Abdominal Pain

No matter what the cause, it is important to consult with a medical professional to get your official diagnosis and treatment plan. If your symptoms come on suddenly and are severe, you should get to the doctor right away. Those symptoms could include vomiting blood, inability to have bowel movements, difficulty breathing, bloody stools, a rigid abdomen or any other severe pain.
Pay attention to your body and talk to your doctor about the specifics of your abdominal pain. You will get a treatment plan that works and peace of mind.


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