Are Sacroiliac Joint Injections Right for You?

In Pain Management

Sacrum Pain that affects the sacroiliac (SI) joint in the spine

Sacroiliac joint injections are used to treat dysfunction of the sacroiliac, or SI, joint, located at the bottom of the spine, just above the tailbone. This joint has a large of responsibility. Not only does it absorb shock for the lower back, but it also connects the sacrum with the pelvis and helps to transmit movement to the pelvis and legs. Due to this constant stress, it is not uncommon for SI joint pain to develop as a result of osteoarthritis, overexertion, or long periods of immobility, as may occur if someone sits for long periods of time at a desk for work.

SI joint dysfunction symptoms can often mimic other symptoms that affect the lower back, such as sciatica or a herniated disc:

  • Dull or throbbing pain in the lower back
  • Radiating pain that moves down the buttocks and legs
  • Weakness in the lower back or legs

Before considering sacroiliac joint injections as a treatment option, it is extremely important for a doctor to accurately diagnosis the condition and make sure another degenerative spine condition or injury isn’t causing your back pain. An SI joint injection may initially be used for diagnostic purposes so that your doctor can pinpoint the source of your discomfort.

How Sacroiliac Joint Injections Work

A sacroiliac joint injection also called a sacroiliac joint block, involves a special type of X-ray called a fluoroscope to help the doctor guide the needle into the correct location in the joint. A numbing anesthetic such as lidocaine is usually injected into the joint. If this stops the pain, the doctor can confirm that the SI joint is the culprit. A steroid solution is also injected into the joint to reduce inflammation and pain.

The local anesthetic can help to relieve pain immediately but will wear off within a few hours. It is the slow-release steroid that can provide longer-lasting pain relief. The steroid begins to work within a few days of receiving the injections. Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor may recommend sacroiliac joint injections every few months.

Sacroiliac Joint Injections in Florida and Texas

If you’re looking for pain relief specialists with extensive experience administering sacroiliac joint injections, turn to the experts at Physician Partners of America. Our pain clinics offer a compassionate, supportive environment where we will take the time to ask questions about your pain and learn what treatments you’ve already tried. Using this information, we can then formulate a targeted pain relief plan.

We know that SI joint pain can affect everything you do. You may feel like this chronic discomfort has put your life on hold. At Physician Partners of America, our goal is to become your partner for long-term pain management and healing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


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