At the Fletcher Florida Pain Relief Group, we understand that chronic pain can ruin your life. We have had the opportunity to work with many Tampa, Florida residents who have been battling with chronic pain for years. It is heart-wrenching to hear how their pain has affected them physically, emotionally, as well as their relationship with friends and family.
Many of our patients visited doctor after doctor before they found us. They were disheartened because their doctors either ignored their pain, minimized their pain, or wanted to mask their pain by giving them prescription medications.
They were relieved when they found the Florida Pain Relief Group located in Tampa, Florida. We do not use pharmaceuticals to hide your pain. Instead, our focus is to identify the reasons behind your pain, address these malfunctions, and leave you with long-term pain relief.
Let us help you with your pain management needs at our Fletcher clinic, located in Tampa, Florida. Our conveniently located clinic on Fletcher Ave. provides patients with highly skilled pain management doctors. Our services include minimally invasive and interventional pain treatments. We also accept Medicare, along with most major insurances.
Our Pain Management Doctor
We Care About You
Our practice focuses on interventional pain management. Many of our doctors are board-certified in this field of medicine. The focus of interventional pain management is to use minimally invasive treatments to correct the musculoskeletal disorders, the nervous system disorders, or the systemic disorders that are causing your pain.
While we are not opposed to using prescription drugs when necessary, many of our patients have been able to find pain relief from interventional pain management therapy without the use of prescription drugs.
Our Tampa, Florida clinic focuses on treating you as an individual. We don’t look at you as a name on a chart, as in infirmity, or as an injury. We realize that chronic pain affects every aspect of your life, including your mental and emotional well-being. So we address these through the course of your treatment.
We understand pain. We understand the negative effect the pain is having in your life. We know how to remove pain, and we are eager to use our expertise to benefit you.
Contact us today, and set up an appointment. Same day appointments and walk-ins are welcome. We are eager to use our skills to help you.